The Agridatabox is in test phase

Our decision-support tool is currently planted on the Ste Marthe Ecological Transition Third Place of the SCIC T.E.T.R.I.S while waiting for the fielding at our partner farmers in September.
This connected, experimental tool will help support local farmers and elsewhere, in their farming practices regarding climate change. Because of its social dimension, it will also serve as a mediation support to make new technologies known to as many people as possible.

Equipped with multiple sensor, the Agridatabox is a global decision support tool.
It’s equipped with sensors to monitor the environmental parameters of crops – temperature, humidity, wind, growth – with a camera to complete the weather data, a low consumption LoRaWAN technology to collect the data and a server and software to gather and visualize the data in a dashboard and create alerts.

We have developed this tool within the framework of the agreement signed with the Tetris cooperative and our Nouvel Air foundation, cf article February 2020. It appeared that with the increasingly frequent climatic hazards, farmers are more and more surprised and lacking solutions to intervene on their crop despite their know-how and we must be by their side to implement solutions.

This tool will enable us to set up adaptation strategies, in a logic of anticipation, cooperation and reactivity.
All projects are developed in Open Source and Creative Commons licenses to allow for their replicability as well as the sharing of knowledge and know-how in the spirit of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

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